Reflektionen im Wasser

Yeah! We “defeated”the Gose Elbe. This is what it has become, the first river we have paddled with our ONAK from the first meters to the mouth. First the lower run, then the upper run, the middle part, more or less the fillet, awaited us to the big finale. The remaining 7 kilometres of the remaining distance has become a full-grown 14 kilometres at the end of the day – and thus also the longest tour in the ONAK to date.

The weather forecast promised a good climate. Calm winds and light clouds at 20 degrees Celsius. For Hamburg, this is actually a real midsummer day. We started again at the Hein-Wulff-Bridge and this time we went downstream.

The Gose Elbe meanders in this section very strongly, so that one gets very varied perspectives on the accompanying landscape. Horse paddock and cow pastures border the river as well as reed belts, forest sections and farmsteads.

After only about 2 kilometres a bridge, not marked in any map, crossed our path. We looked at the bridge, because at first sight it had only a clearance height of the height of our ONAK. And at second glance, this remained the case. On a photo you can see how we came through: lie down flat and shimmy your hands under the bridge.

While we were always watched suspiciously by cows, horses and swans, the Nutrias who appeared in the afternoon hours were somehow not interested in us at all.  We were able to drift with the ONAK towards them and watch them feeding. As relaxed as the beaver rats reacted to us, as relaxed we toured on the water in the three hours and enjoyed the calm, seclusion and the quiet splashing of the water on our bow.

On the following days the tour held a little bit of misfortune for me: apparently there were muscles in play, the evolution hasn’t even had them on my list yet. I was sore as hell.

Gose Elbe bewachsen

as painted: in wide sections of densely overgrown bank

Reflektionen im Wasser

Mirror, mirror: the reflections were impressive

Nutria in Gose Elbe

free of fear: Nutrias were not impressed by us to a large extent

Schwan & Storchen-Nest

skeptical: when two white creatures meet on the water (swan & ONAK)

Paddeln auf Gose Elbe

drab blue: fortunately the landscape is beautiful :-)

Kuh auf einer Weide

it´s just a cow


we had to make ourselves and the canoe quite flat.


Start & Finish: the Hein-Wulff-Bridge

Gose Elbe Tour

The tour at a glance

There was also a small premiere in digital form: This time I recorded our trip with Strava and had the data transformed into a nice 3D flight simulation by Relive. But that doesn’t look half as beautiful from above as it does from a water perspective.

Manchmal Steuermann, oft Vordermann. Immer viel Spaß auf dem Wasser mit unserem ONAK.

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