Gose Elbe | Kirschblüten

Meanwhile you should know the Gose Elbe as well in and from heart as we have paddled so often on no other river in the Hamburg area as here. Last year we explored it in three parts with our ONAK and although we can now address almost every muskrat by first name personally, this year we are back again.

Boring, you’d think. Let’s see what’s around the next bend. We know the places where we prefer to paddle close to the shore, protected from the wind, and where our favourite places to take a break are.

But to our surprise, at the beginning of April, the picture was quite different from last year’s summer months. The lush and dense vegetation was still missing and so not only the shore areas offered unknown views and views, but side arms and lanes were free of aquatic plants and thus passable without restrictions.

The first strong rays of sunshine warmed the uppermost layer of water, so that it was teeming with fat fish, some of which jumped out of the water in search of prey. It was splashing all the time next to us.

We have paddled 10 km and now know that a river in spring is not the river it is in summer. To experience the freshly sprouting nature also has a very nice charm.

Gose Elbe | Parkplatz an der Einsetzstelle

It is only a few asphalted metres from the car park to the insertion point.

Gose Elbe | leichtgewichtiges ONAK

Warmup: 17 kg upscale with left

Gose Elbe | Einsetzstelle

Robust: you can also just throw the ONAK into the water

Gose Elbe | Kirschblüten

the white cherry blossoms go well with the canoe

Gose Elbe | Schilfgürtel

not much to see yet of the otherwise lush green reed belt

Gose Elbe | Pollenflug

Cherry blossoms cover the river

I recorded our tour again with the App from Strava. Visualized as a beautiful 3D flight with the Relive app.

Gose Elbe | Tourverlauf

The route

Manchmal Steuermann, oft Vordermann. Immer viel Spaß auf dem Wasser mit unserem ONAK.

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